I have ADD when it comes to interior design. I love something one minute, then a year or two goes by and I’m ready to chuck it out.
Well, there’s no money in the budget for new furniture every five minutes so I’ve got to find ways to spruce things up around here without breaking the bank.

I wanted to add a bit of color to my bedroom without a major change. It was already the weekend so I had no time to run out, pick paint colors and slap on a couple of coats. Not to mention, I love the honey-colored hue of my dresser (for now).
new dresser knobs were the perfect answer to my design dilemma

Unique dresser knobs are a beautiful compliment to any bedroom design. And they feel so much more personal than the plain wooden knobs that typically come with furniture.
This cute ceramic number caught my eye. I love the vermilion and thin outline of navy. I think the combination blended beautifully with my cream, dove grey and cornflower blue bedroom colors. I purchased the knobs at a local craft store for $4.99 each. As my mother would say, “You can’t beat that price with a stick!”
Very simple steps to beautiful: Unscrew your old knobs with a screwdriver through the back of the drawers in your dresser. Then, screw in the new knobs. It’s that easy.
Place the old knobs in a labeled zip-top bag. You never know when they’ll come in handy for a different project.

How easy was that?
I added a bright red pashmina, assorted candles in familiar tones and flowers set casually in a vase. Then I repurposed an old oval bathroom mirror to tie everything together.
A new design in no time, that’s my kind of DIY. The best part is, the whole project cost less than $35.
I'm loving the dresser -- it feels bright and crisp, perfect for spring and summer.